Wednesday, July 20, 2011

He probably won't care about this, but here it goes...

The pain never ends. A constant agony
coils and festers inside me.
The tears never end. Flowing like rain,
salty droplets fall from my face.

* * * *

In less than 2 weeks, I have lost about 10
pounds. I am very under weight because of
this situation. I am slowly withering away,
awaiting my death. I cry every single day,
but try to hide it from my family. I have to
stay strong for them, but how can I when I
am pressured with Jed's drama and family
drama at the same time?
Jed, if you ever read this, I would like to ask
you: How would you like it if your mom came
stomping into the room screaming things about
the sex life of your father and how big his
penis is and that he sticks his d*** into any
thing that walks, and that he f***s every
women that he sees; when its not true?
How would you like it if someone molested
your little sister and your mother sided with
the pedophile then abandoned you? How would
you like it to be neglected? That's not even close
to being half of my story. Can't you show the
slightest bit of sympathy? I never told you to
stop talking to me completely. All I asked for
was for some time to cope with things because
I couldn't handle the drama. I wouldn't have been
able to survive. Also what's with this crap about
me and my family being game players? I am one
of the only girls in the world who actually doesn't
know how to play mind games. And my dad?! How
in the world is he a game player? I don't deserve
to be treated like this. I have done nothing wrong.
I thought that you respected all women as the
daughters of God. Well, wait a go! Look what you
did to one of them. Look, I miss you, and your
family. I miss being your friend. I miss having
someone to comfort me as I cry.

* * * *

I think that I am getting really sick. I constantly
cough and lose weight. I also have a massive
headache at the moment, so I can no longer
continue writing. Good night.

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