Sunday, August 21, 2011

Confessions to a loved one:

I have come to face my fears, and tell you how I 100% honestly feel. Nothing has to come from this. You don't need to react in anyway; you don't even have to talk, if you don't want to. I just need you to listen.......I miss you, and I have come to realize that I still have major feelings for you. Literally, I cannot get you out of my head. Every moment of every day, I think of you. I dream about you almost every night; I stare longingly at my window for hours in a day; I have even become paranoid, and think that the creaking of my window is actually the sound of little rocks being thrown at it, and I constantly check to see if it really is you standing below my windows. This is the most in love with you that I have ever been. They say that the heart grows stronger when you're away from the one you love. That was one big indication that I still love you...... I'm a mess, and I've finally realized that, no, I am not okay. All this time I thought that I was perfectly fine, but I was wrong. People are actually surprised that I haven't committed suicide yet....... Why does it hurt so much, Jed?...... Well, that's all that I feel the need to say. I just wanted to get that all off of my chest. Thanks for listening.

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