Monday, November 14, 2011


Going back and forth between liking you and thinking that I don't, sends me into a deep, frustrating confusion. Being that as it may, the fact that I'm even contemplating this proves that my love for you continues to grow, and it's more difficult to get you out of my head than I thought it would be.

Stepping into the moonless night, my breath froze just as the air around me. I hugged my self to keep in the warmth, while my feet pranced on the ground, attempting to get away from cold. Me being mortal, and my lungs demanding oxygen, I took a breath through my nose; but along with the air, a strong, addicting sent filled my nostrils, and I found myself sniffing the night's breeze as a dog does when the smell of its favorite treat distributes throughout the air. Immediately, my body turned towards your house. I groaned, then looked to Olivia.
"Why does it have to smell so freaking good?!" I asked her.
She began smelling the air to see what I was talking about. After one whiff, she knew. Why do you cast such an overpowering spell on me?

What a coincidence! The song "Gravity" by Sarah Bareilles came on as I was writing this. That's funny, or at least, I find it funny.

I have a dream that I probably won't tell now, but I'll get to that at a later time; when I feel it's ready to reveal.

Good night, Jed.

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